Please use our form for speaking engagement requests or call 619-298-6246. Requests may also be addressed to Mona Zemsky, 773-600-7740 or
Michele Sacks Lowenstein, Certified Family Law Specialist in San Diego, has lectured extensively to attorneys, other professionals and the general public on such topics as:
- What You Should Know about Divorce – Even if you Never Want or Need One
- Navigating the Divorce Maze with Dignity (this is not an oxymoron!)
- How the Economy Affects Divorce Decision (i.e. Can you Afford to Divorce?)
- Mediation vs Collaborative Divorce vs Cooperative Divorce
- A History of Registered Domestic Partnerships in California
Lowenstein is well-qualified in the field of family law, and would be appropriate for professional groups (legal, medical, accounting, financial planning, counseling and more) as well as women's groups, non-profits, church groups and more.
In their Business News for San Diego, California, the San Diego Business Journal Online published an announcement on July 6, 2009, of the formation our new Professional Law Corporation: Lowenstein Brown, APLC.