Lowenstein Brown, APLC are Divorce Attorneys practicing in San Diego, California. Summary and detailed information appearing below and in links is in many cases unique to California.
Our website contains a great deal of information
on divorce authored by experienced attorneys.
The information is neither intended nor adequate as a resource for understanding the many options in a divorce. It is provided to assist our clients and prospective
clients in better understanding the divorce process.
If you are considering a divorce please call us.
Divorce is complex to warrant considering your
options without professional counsel.
- If you are considering a Divorce:
One of the most critical factors in managing a divorce will be your choice of a divorce attorney. A number of excellent resources are available to assist you in your selection, much of which is included in our web site.
Once selected, it will be helpful in your preparation for the first meeting with your attorney to know what information will be needed, and what to expect.
We have included a guest article by Jay Rigdon with a list of the top ten qualities you should look for when choosing your Divorce Attorney. You may read it here.
We have created several mini-lists of points you may wish to consider before contacting a divorce attorney. These are intended to be helpful organizers of your thoughts and can be useful in putting into context common questions arising during divorce proceedings. Please click on any link or see our left sidebar (navigation menu) for more information.
We are a very experienced San Diego Family Law Firm offering the skills to represent you and help you through the emotional and financial stress associated with a divorce.
Divorcing couples must deal with many issues such as distribution and support. You must know what is possible, what is not, and what your rights are.
There may be issues of shared parenting of children to work out. This may be the most important matter to resolve and the one with the greatest consequences.
We believe in educating our clients on these subjects and more. We feel it is important to provide you with options and to discuss the different methods available for dissolving your relationship.